Medical application of memory alloy
The medical applications of memory alloys are also very interesting. For example, the bone plate used for bone grafting can not only fix two fractured bones, but also generate compressive force in the process of restoring the original shape, forcing the fractured bones to join together. After implantation, body temperature activates orthodontic wires for dentition, long clips for ligating cerebral aneurysms and vas deferens, and struts for straightening the spine. Thrombus filter is also a new product of memory alloy. When the straightened filters are inserted into the vein, they gradually return to the network, preventing 95% of the blood clots from flowing to the heart and lungs.
The artificial heart is a more complex organ, made of muscle fibers made of memory alloy and matched with the elastic membrane ventricle, which can imitate the contraction of the ventricle. Pumping has been successful.
Since memory alloy is a kind of "living alloy", various automatic control devices can be designed by using its shape change at a certain temperature, and its application is expanding.